A guide to data processing during a pandemic

A few weeks later than expected, the UK version of my data protection and coronavirus article (see: Combating COVID-19 - what are the new data processing practices?) has been published in PDP's Privacy and Data Protection journal (pdpjournals.com).

There have a range of developments since writing my article, including:

  • a lot more debate at UK- and EU-level on the privacy issues of using individuals' location data to assist in tracking the spread of COVID-19. This includes a formal Opinion from the UK ICO on Apple and Google's development of tracing technology;
  • new Guidelines (03/2020) from the European Data Protection Board on use of personal data for scientific research purposes in the context of COVID-19;
  • more guidance and blog posts from the UK ICO, including guidance on its approach to regulating data protection during the public health emergency, a post on combatting COVID-19 through data, and a post on what to watch out for when video conferencing; and
  • new government legal notices requiring the sharing of health data by healthcare organisations (and my article already comments on associated legal bases and conditions under data protection law).

Read the full article “A guide to data processing during a pandemic” published in Volume 20 Issue 5 of the PDP Privacy and Data Protection Journal (http://www.pdpjournals.com).

Olivia Whitcroft, principal of OBEP, 24 April 2020

This article provides general information on the subject matter and is not intended to be relied upon as legal advice. If you would like to discuss this topic, please contact Olivia Whitcroft using the contact details set out here: Contact Details